Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Trying to keep things up to date here!  Thanksgiving was a ton of fun at my parents house with about 70 family members, friends, and other random people, some of which we may not have known prior to that day.  We had our usual games and forutnately there was no ER run involved this year.  Here's a few pics from the day.!/album.php?aid=247854&id=669668802

Baby girl #2 is doing well and we're just waiting it out.  I tentatively have a c-section scheduled for 1/3/11 but for some reason I just don't think I'll make it that long.  I don't remember feeling this gigantic with Cam but maybe I've just forgotten. I look back at the pics and they prove me wrong. 

I also forgot to mention (as it was broguth to my attention) that Brian is the 2010 National Champion in his class in both SCCA ProSolo and Solo 2! We are very proud of him! If you can't make out what all these dots and lines are, it's the two courses that they raced for the Solo 2 portion of the event.

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