Saturday, January 08, 2011

Audrey Bryn's Birthday

Whew! We made it and are back home. Here's Audrey Bryn's birth story and a few pics to enjoy:

Click here for pics!

We headed into the hospital for our planned c-section around 7:30 am on Monday 1/3. To back track a little, it ended up being the 3rd because our doctor was on vacation the last week of 2010, otherwise she'd of been here sooner!  We got all checked in, prepped and were ready to go by 9:30. The doctor was a few a minutes late and as soon as he got started, I think it was no more than 5 minutes and she was born.  10:00 am on the dot.  The first thing the doctor and nurse both said was "wow, look at those cheeks! You have a pretty good sized baby in there!"  She had a good set of lungs and cried for about 10 minutes until they wrapped her up and took her to the nursery to be weighed, etc.  My mom and Brian went to the nursery with her while they finished with me and took me to recovery. Eventually they got her all ready and brought her back to me all cleaned up.  We hung out in recovery for about an hour and finally got to our room. 

Her official stats:
Audrey Bryn Peters
8lbs 3oz, 19" long, 10:00am

The rest of the stay was uneventful and we actually got to go home on Wed night instead of Thursday. I was so happy not to spend another night in that hospital.  I think that's the absolute worst part, just being there. It's worse than the pain and recovery from the c-section.  We had to wait until around 9pm to get discharged, which was a loooong time but we were still happy to get out, however late it was.

Now that we are home, Cameron is a very, let's say helpful, big sister.  She's had a few meltdowns but is dealing with the changes pretty well though. She wants to help change every diaper, hold Audrey all the time, and likes to go "pet" her while she's napping.  She's done pretty well all things considered. 

Audrey is doing great and has gained back some weight since coming home.  We are working on breastfeeding still but she's getting better at it.  So far she's just been eating and sleeping mostly, with me having to set my alarm to attempt to wake her up every 3 hours to feed her.  Boy does that bring back memories of Cameron.  She was the sleepiest newborn.  Now that she's over the hurdle of gaining back her weight, I'm not quite as worried about it though. 

We're all pretty excited and ready to see what the future holds for us and our new addition!

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