A little update on us all - Cameron is doing great. She's 2 years and 3 months old and pretty tall for her age. She can count to 20 and knows the ABC's. She learned a lot of Christmas songs this year including her two favorite of Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, of which she knows all the words and sings at least 10 times a day. She's learned how to climb out of her crib when she's ready to get out of bed now too. So far it hasn't been a big problem, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
Brian won the SCCA Autocross National Championship in his class driving is Miata this last year. He sold it at the beginning of December to move on to a bigger more challenging class. He'll be driving a Corvette up against the other top drivers from across the nation this year. Hopefully Cameron and I can make the trip to Nebraska to watch the finale in September this time.
I've been busy with my rental business and of course Cameron. I've acquired quite an inventory over the last year and my extra bedroom is crammed full when it's not a holiday or prime tourist season. Fortunately it's been pretty empty over the last month but that also means that I've been on the go every day while everyone else has been off of work. It's better to be busy and making money than doing nothing though! Oh, and it's not an excuse, but my Christmas cards still haven't been mailed! Look for them soon...
Brian's friends got him a beer helmet, that of course Cameron had to try on. No matter that it's backwards...but it was still hilarious.
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