And a happy birthday to Josh, who is turning 2 today! Cameron's 2nd birthday is just 4 weeks away too. I can hardly believe it.
She's been growing a lot lately. We blew through 2T's in about a month and are on to 3T now. She's really tall for her age right now and she definitely has my family's long legs even if she doesn't look like me at all. Her talking is getting better every day and it's hilarious to hear her repeat things we've said that we didn't know she heard. She told my dad to put on his seatbelt the other day and although we always wear them, we've never made it a point to say something about it in the car.
She loves to play the ABC game on the computer and is obsessed with "driving" the car. She throws a fit 90% of the time when we get in or out of the car and I don't let her get in the driver's seat and play with everything. Needless to say, she is definitely in the "terrible twos". We have a few incidents a day of screaming and laying on the floor, none of which have gotten her anything yet, but she's persisitent that's for sure.
Oh yeah, and taking her diaper off at nap time is a new stunt that comes every day now too. I've tried the zip up pajamas with a snap on the top, onesies with snaps, shorts, and diaper covers. If anyone has any idea on how I can not go in to get a butt naked baby during nap time, please let me know!

Duct tape on the diapers at naptime. Seriously...
Where did you get that vacuum? I'd love the get one of those and get rid of the popcorn push thing that makes so much noise.
Good luck with the terrible 2's. Josh isn't quite there yet, but Evie had the terrible 3's and was an angel at 2. We'll see what's in store for us!
Evie did the diaper thing...I had to put her shorts on backwards haha!
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