Saturday, April 23, 2011

3 Months

As I sat down to write out clues for Cameron's scavenger Easter egg hunt tomorrow, I wrote a few then thought maybe I should Google it and see if there were any better ideas out there. That of course lead to Facebook and then to a friend's blog, then to me realizing that I hadn't updated ours in like 2 months, so here I am now. The scavenger hunt clues are NOT finished by the way.  So, here it goes.

Audrey is now 3 1/2 months old and doing great! She weigh about 12 lbs and I'm sure the Dr. will tell me she should weigh more, but the kid eats 7oz every 3-4 hours so she's not starving!  Cameron was about the same, in the 25% for weight through her first year too so I'm not worried.  She's been sleeping 11-12 hours through the night since 10 weeks and is a solid left-hand thumb sucker (unlike her sister who is a right-hand thumb sucker). Awesome! No pacifiers to lose and the thumb is always available.  She coos, laughs, and talks to us all the time with her big bright eyes and eyebrows showing so much emotion. It's really funny how she can do that already.  The drooling and hands in the mouth has already started but I don't feel any little teeth coming in yet. 

Cameron is doing wonderfully, loving school and growing up so fast. She's an excellent reader and there's no lying about what kids shows are or are not on TV any more.  She's been taking swim lessons in preparation for swim team this summer. We'll see how that goes, but I think she'll love it.  At school, she's become the "little mama" as her teacher says, always wanting to show everyone else how to do their work and help them, whether they want it or not probably.  She loves showing off her baby sister to all her friends.  Even though they see her twice a day, every day, they never seem to tire of it.  Cameron still has her little bouts of jealousy with Audrey, particularly when I am feeding her. She just wants to sit on my lap too, so we all squish into one chair and deal with it.  She loves to talk to and play with Audrey, the best she can anyway.  Audrey is learning to close her eyes when she sees Cam coming though since she always leans over her and puts her hair in Audrey's face.  She loves having her big sister talk to her though.

We are getting ready to go to Jamaica in May for my brother's wedding, then onto Dallas 2 days after we return from Jamaica, for Brian's brother's wedding.  All with the kids.  It will be fun but exhausting I'm sure.  I've spent the evenings this last week sewing Cameron's flower girl dress and it did come out pretty cute, if I say so myself.  I finally got to use my new sewing machine that I got 4 months ago for my birthday, so that was good. 

Well, I'm staring at these plastic eggs that aren't hiding themselves, so I guess I better get going.  I think the Easter Bunny still has a new bike to put together tonight too!