Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby's Room

We finally put the finishing touches on the baby's room last night, and in no time she'll be here.  Only 3 weeks to go (or less hopefully).  I'll have to take some pictures and post them soon but it's grey, yellow, and pink. I've gotten a little crafty and sewed a few things for the room too.  We reused Cameron's old crib and changing table but when I pulled it out, I had forgotten how badly she'd chewed up the rails. Oh well, at least I won't be upset when it happens a second time! I filled it in with a stain pen the best I could and it looks ok.

Cameron has had quite a lot of fun this week with one of her big baby dolls, dressing her in the real baby sleepers and hauling practically everything out that I've put in the changing table.  Her baby wears a diaper that gets changed, several outfits a day, sits in the bouncer, rides in the car seat, takes naps in the crib complete with the video monitor to watch her, she hears her cry she says and she rocks her, and I've gotten a lot of practice swaddling already too.  I'll have to wash pretty much everything again but oh well, she's having fun. 

I'm feeling pretty gigantic and waddling around pretty good now.  Yesterday I started to feel like she was really ready to be born.  She feels a lot bigger or heavier than I remember with Cameron. Maybe it's because Cam was breech and this one is not.  I feel her kicking and squirming around up underneath my ribcage which is pretty uncomfortable.We still haven't decided on a name. I think we'll have to wait till she's born and pick one when we see her!

Cameron is loving Montessori school and doing really well.  In the 6 weeks since we moved her there, she's finished the first set of 8 beginning reading books and now is on to books that actually have sentences and a storyline. We couldn't be more thrilled with how she's doing and with her teacher, who also happens to be an old family friend.  It's a lot different than her old preschool and the format really works for her. She can move at her own pace and adores the "outdoor environment" portions of the week.  They get two days a week of some outdoor activity where they learn about gardening, insects, digging in the dirt, how to hammer things, etc.  The first week she was there, they had live tarantulas for Halloween. Now that's not something you see in every preschool.  Since she's been going the themes have been artists like Monet and Van Gogh, dinosaurs, the food pyramid, the workings of the body, along with their "daily work" which usually consists of some sort of numbers, counting, or math.  They get to practice their life skills like cutting and preparing their own snacks each day (even something they grew in the garden).

We're looking forward to Christmas this year and the arrival of our new baby girl shortly after.  We will have Christmas morning at our house with my family and Cameron is very excited about the shopping she got to do at school for everyone.  We gave her a budget (and money) for a list of family and the elementary kids at the school helped her pick out things and wrap it so it's a surprise for everyone.  My grandma has been in and out of the hospital since Thanksgiving so we are hoping she's home for Christmas at least but it doesn't look like we'll be having the traditional afternoon pot luck and gift exchange at her house this year.

Well that's all I have time for this morning. Off to get Cam ready for school and make some rental deliveries.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas in the Park

We stopped by the Christmas in the Park parade and fair yesterday morning and did a little walking around. Not to brag to our friends stuck in the midwestern blizzard, but it was 80* and most people were dressed in flip flops and shorts. Here's me at 36 weeks waiting for our yet to be named baby girl to arrive.
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Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Trying to keep things up to date here!  Thanksgiving was a ton of fun at my parents house with about 70 family members, friends, and other random people, some of which we may not have known prior to that day.  We had our usual games and forutnately there was no ER run involved this year.  Here's a few pics from the day.!/album.php?aid=247854&id=669668802

Baby girl #2 is doing well and we're just waiting it out.  I tentatively have a c-section scheduled for 1/3/11 but for some reason I just don't think I'll make it that long.  I don't remember feeling this gigantic with Cam but maybe I've just forgotten. I look back at the pics and they prove me wrong. 

I also forgot to mention (as it was broguth to my attention) that Brian is the 2010 National Champion in his class in both SCCA ProSolo and Solo 2! We are very proud of him! If you can't make out what all these dots and lines are, it's the two courses that they raced for the Solo 2 portion of the event.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back in Action!

Ok, well it's been almost an entire YEAR since I posted anything on this blog. I can't believe it, really, it hasn't been that long has it?! Does anyone still look at this? Oh well, it's a good way for me to keep up on writing down what's going on since I'm not good at keeping a baby book.

So, here's what we've missed...
Brian and I both started new jobs in December 09. I kept it and my business running until April 2010, when I tried to quit my job, but have been working part time from home ever since and running the business. A big thanks to Laura and Lauren who worked for me doing all my deliveries and pick ups during that time. Hopefully that will end soon here.

Cameron kept up with her preschool and she just moved to a new Montessori school and is doing wonderfully! We LOVE the new school and so does she. It's so much different than her old school where she learned about the color yellow and number 3. Now she learns about artists like Monet and Van Gogh, dinosaurs, shapes that even I don't know, does math, and is reading simple words (all this in the 1 month she has been at the school)! We couldn't be happier with it.

My main reason for getting this back up and running is that we are due with a new baby girl at the end of December (just about 6 weeks away now). Cam just turned 4 in October and I know I won't have time for scrapbooking and keeping up a baby book. I thought this would be a better way, hopefully. We are planning another c-section since I had one with Cam and are looking at somewhere around 12/30-31. Gotta get that tax deduction, ha ha! We have no name picked out and no nursery set up yet. Clearly the second time around we're a little more relaxed about it (or lax is maybe a better word). We are moving Cameron to her own big girl room downstairs in the basement and just finished painting it her favorite color, pink of course. The new bed should be set up and everything moved by the end of the week if all goes as planned. Then I can get started on the nursery. It's a gray and yellow theme with some pink thrown in. I've been sewing a few little crafty things, like a crib skirt, some pillows, etc so that's been kind of fun.

I do tend to post more pics on Facebook so join me there if you follow the blog. I'll try to keep this up in the future now though too.