A few updates on Cameron - we are completely potty trained during the day, just not at night. Yay! and that means she gets to go to the 3 day preschool in the summer too! She LOVES her 2 day preschool right now but it's ending this week. She'll go to the same place but with a different teacher in the summer. Today she showed me how to write a letter A, using yogurt spread all over the table nonetheless, but I was pretty impressed that she knew. She told me her aunt Lauren, my sister, taught her. She can count to 20 but usually skips 17, can sing a million songs, even from the radio, and wants to do everything for herself.
At school, they did a parent's program last week where the teachers got all the preschool classes up on the stage to sing us songs. She did great until right before they started and another kid pushed her out of the way to get up front. That was it, she cried for the 1st half of the song, then came off the stage with me, the cried the entire rest of the performance outside with me. So much for all that practicing! Oh well, next time! At the end, they all lined back up to go with their classes while the parents stayed in the chapel. Apparently she lined up with the wrong class because 5 minutes later we came out to a random other teacher holding her while she was still crying, not knowing where she was supposed to be. Not sure how her teachers totally missed her since she walked out holding her teacher's hand, but it was confusing with all the parents there. Anyway, here's some pics of the party before and in the church singing.